GO MATH! Grade 4
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publishing Company
Volume 1
Chapter 1: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction to One Million
Students will....
read and write numbers
compare and order whole numbers
round whole numbers
add whole numbers
subtract whole numbers
comparison problems with addition and subtraction
Chapter 2: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers
Students will....
multiply tens, hundreds, and thousands
estimate products
multiply using expanded form
multiply using mental math
multiply 2-digit numbers with regrouping
multiply 3- and 4-digit numbers with regrouping
Chapter 3: Multiply 2-Digit Numbers
Students will....
multiply by tens
estimate products
multiply using partial products
multiply with regrouping
choose a multiplication method
Chapter 4: Divide by 1-Digit Numbers
Students will....
estimate quotients using multiples
interpret the remainder
divide tens, hundreds, and thousands
divide using partial products
divide by 1-digit numbers
Chapter 5: Factors, Multiples, and Patterns
Students will....
model factors
factors and divisibility
factors and multiples
prime and composite numbers
Volume 2
Chapter 6: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
Students will...
generate equivalent fractions
simplest form
common denominators
compare fractions using benchmarks
compare and order fractions
Chapter 7: Add and Subtract Fractions
Students will...
write fractions as sums
add fractions using models
subtract fractions using models
add and subtract fractions
rename fractions and mixed numbers
add and subtract mixed numbers
subtracting with renaming
Chapter 8: Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
Students will...
multiples of unit fractions
multiples of fractions
multiply a fraction by a whole number using models
multiply a fraction or mixed number by a whole number
Chapter 9: Relate Fractions and Decimals
Students will...
relate tenths and decimals
relate hundredths and decimals
equivalent fractions and decimals
relate fractions, decimals, and money
add fractional parts of 10 and 100
compare decimals
Chapter 10: Two-Dimensional Figures
Students will...
identify lines, rays, and angles
classify triangles by angles
identify parallel lines and perpendicular lines
classify quadrilaterals
find line symmetry
find and draw lines of symmetry
Chapter 11: Angles
Students will...
find degrees
measure and draw angles
join and separate angles
Chapter 12: Relative Sizes of Measurement Units
Students will...
use measurement benchmarks
use customary units of length
use customary units of weight
use customary units of liquid volume
learn line plots
use metric units of mass and liquid volume
Chapter 13: Algebra: Perimeter and Area
Students will...
find perimeter
find area
determine area of combined rectangles
find unknown measures
Each night, students can study their math facts or play math games to keep their basic fact skills fresh. Go to the Links page.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publishing Company
Volume 1
Chapter 1: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction to One Million
Students will....
read and write numbers
compare and order whole numbers
round whole numbers
add whole numbers
subtract whole numbers
comparison problems with addition and subtraction
Chapter 2: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers
Students will....
multiply tens, hundreds, and thousands
estimate products
multiply using expanded form
multiply using mental math
multiply 2-digit numbers with regrouping
multiply 3- and 4-digit numbers with regrouping
Chapter 3: Multiply 2-Digit Numbers
Students will....
multiply by tens
estimate products
multiply using partial products
multiply with regrouping
choose a multiplication method
Chapter 4: Divide by 1-Digit Numbers
Students will....
estimate quotients using multiples
interpret the remainder
divide tens, hundreds, and thousands
divide using partial products
divide by 1-digit numbers
Chapter 5: Factors, Multiples, and Patterns
Students will....
model factors
factors and divisibility
factors and multiples
prime and composite numbers
Volume 2
Chapter 6: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
Students will...
generate equivalent fractions
simplest form
common denominators
compare fractions using benchmarks
compare and order fractions
Chapter 7: Add and Subtract Fractions
Students will...
write fractions as sums
add fractions using models
subtract fractions using models
add and subtract fractions
rename fractions and mixed numbers
add and subtract mixed numbers
subtracting with renaming
Chapter 8: Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
Students will...
multiples of unit fractions
multiples of fractions
multiply a fraction by a whole number using models
multiply a fraction or mixed number by a whole number
Chapter 9: Relate Fractions and Decimals
Students will...
relate tenths and decimals
relate hundredths and decimals
equivalent fractions and decimals
relate fractions, decimals, and money
add fractional parts of 10 and 100
compare decimals
Chapter 10: Two-Dimensional Figures
Students will...
identify lines, rays, and angles
classify triangles by angles
identify parallel lines and perpendicular lines
classify quadrilaterals
find line symmetry
find and draw lines of symmetry
Chapter 11: Angles
Students will...
find degrees
measure and draw angles
join and separate angles
Chapter 12: Relative Sizes of Measurement Units
Students will...
use measurement benchmarks
use customary units of length
use customary units of weight
use customary units of liquid volume
learn line plots
use metric units of mass and liquid volume
Chapter 13: Algebra: Perimeter and Area
Students will...
find perimeter
find area
determine area of combined rectangles
find unknown measures
Each night, students can study their math facts or play math games to keep their basic fact skills fresh. Go to the Links page.